PIKO #38244 RDG Camelback 0-6-0 Loco, 1396, w/ Smoke & Sound

$ 559.99

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PIKO RDG Camelback 0-6-0 Loco, #1396, w/ Smoke & Sound

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In their quest to reduce fuel cost while increasing tractive
effort for new steam locomotives, North American
designers developed a new wide smoke box design
that allowed the use of anthracite waste as a cheap
fuel source. Introduced during the second half of the
19th century the new smoke box was so wide that it
would have blocked the view of the engineer. Thus
the engineer’s cab had to be moved atop and astride
the boiler. Only the fireman remained in his usual spot
between firebox and tender. To this day the ”Camelback”
design is also known under the somewhat peculiar name
Mother Hubbard in the US.

The PIKO model of Reading 1399, a 0-6-0 ”Camelback”,
represents a late ”Camelback” design with a tender and
roof for the fireman. ”Camelbacks” like it where built up
until 1927 when construction of new ”Camelbacks” was
banned for safety reasons.

Additional information

Weight 12 lbs
Dimensions 35 × 9 × 12 in
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